Foundational Sports and Fitness

Foundational Sports and Fitness

Introduction to skills of sports, manipulative drills through multi-sport approach enabling a child to learn the pre-necessary skills to play sports. The program will build agility, fitness, strength and endurance needed to play field sports.

General Structure Introductory Offer
Days / Week Individual Session Group Session Individual Session Group Session
2 Days 5,000 4,000 4,000 3,000
3 Days 7,500 6,000 6,000 4,500
5 Days 10,000 8,000 8,000 6,000

All prices are in Rupees and Applicable per month | Introductory Offer is applicable for first 30 admissions only

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Sportability aims to ensure every child has an equal opportunity to experience the joy of sports, and build the essential skills to participate in sports recreationally or competitively.

Our foundational Sports and Fitness program is a child-centric progressive program, wherein the rigor of the program increases as we softly nudge our children to push their own boundaries, through the whole while ensuring that child is comfortable and having fun.

The program builds skills of sports, manipulative drills through multi-sport program approach enabling a child to learn the needed skills to play sports. The program will also incorporate fitness – elements of CrossFit, home gym to build strength and endurance of child.

The holistic approach of the program ensures that the skills built on the sports field also extends beyond and impacts the child in their daily life, making them a responsible citizen of the society.

The program aims to build following skills:

Multi-Sports exposure
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Athletics
  • Yoga and CrossFit
  • And more……

Fundamental Play skills

  • Patience and Empathy
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Confidence
  • Self-awareness

Social skills

  • Teamwork
  • Confidence

Benefits of Sports for children with disabilities

Sport for development is an approach based on the belief that play or sport is not just an end in itself but also an effective way to help achieve larger developmental goals.

Global evidence reveals that sport-based programs which are explicitly designed to address the needs of particular sections of the population have the potential to prevent disease, increase school attendance, improve learning skills, foster gender equity, enhance inclusion of persons with disabilities and build skills that promote employment and economic development.

Broad set of holistic skills associated with learning through play and sports are:

  • Physical skills – being physically active with movement through space develops motor skills and nurtures an active and healthy body.
  • Health benefits.
  • Channeling of energy
  • Improved muscle tone and postural alignment
  • Better blood flow and oxygenation, leading to improved heart and mind development
  • Emotional skills – understand, manage and express emotions by building self-awareness and handling impulses, as well as staying motivated and confident in the face of difficulties
  • Cognitive skills – concentration, problem solving, and flexible thinking by learning to tackle complex tasks and building effective strategies to identify solutions
  • Social skills – collaborate, communicate and understand other people’s perspectives through sharing ideas, negotiating rules and building empathy
  • Creative skills – coming up with ideas, expressing them and transforming them into reality by creating associations, symbolising and representing ideas and providing meaningful experiences for others.