Question & Answer


What age does my child have to be?

The programs are best suited for children aged 4 years and above. All programs are age and skill appropriate, keeping the skills and needs of the children in perspective to ensure that each child gets an appropriate level of coaching, and create a fun environment to make new friends.

How fit does my child have to be?

The programs do not need any prior sports experience and we aim to be as inclusive as possible with an ‘open to all children’ policy. Please discuss your child’s medical and physical condition at the time of registration so that incase they need extra support, arrangements can be made.

How many children will there be in each group?

Academy group sizes will be customised according to the specific needs of the children. All training will be conducted in a low coach : student ratio of maximum 1:8. In addition, all precautions and government guidelines will be followed during Covid.

Will Covid protocol be followed?

Temperature checks and hand sanitization will be done on arrival. The wearing of masks during non-physical exertion period will be encouraged. You are requested to immediately inform the academy in case your child or someone from your household displays symptoms.

Will Covid protocol be followed?

In case of closure of school premises due to a lockdown, the number of classes paid for will be carried forward and compensated by the academy

We consider sports as education, and similar to a school program, in case the child misses out the session, the session will not be compensated and there will not be any money reimbursement.

Will you have medical facilities available on the premises?

The programs are child-friendly and are curated to minimise bumps and scrapes, and we will have fully trained nurse and First Aid facilities on the premises.

What if my child has seizures or allergies?

Please inform all medical information at the time of registration including any emergency medication that your child may be on. Please note that we will only administer medication that is prescribed for your child by a health professional.

What should my child wear and bring?

We recommend appropriate sportswear (i.e. shorts, tracksuit bottoms, tee shirt and sports footwear). Your child should carry a refillable water bottle (we will supply drinking water for them to fill their bottles).

What is your Equal Opportunities policy?

We are committed to equal opportunities in all aspects. We welcome all children regardless of gender, ability religion or race. We take a zero tolerance stance on discrimination or bullying of any description